Sunday, April 17, 2011

38 days till departure!!

What once seemed like a 'far away' date -- 25th May -- has suddenly become closer. And with that the mounting pressure of getting ready on time. Naturally all of a sudden there is more to do then there is time, and I don't want to arrive in Europe so exhausted I'm sick for the first week of my sabbatical. The fitness is coming along but there's still about 15 unwanted pounds attached to me that were suppose to be gone by now (.4 oz a day loss and I could knock that goal on the head -- ha ha, dream on), the shoes, luggage and clothes are mostly sorted out in my mind. The technology is getting closer, but not completely resolved. It's time to use my finest project planning skills on myself to make the next five weeks low stress and departure day a breeze. Stay tuned for details as to how that is working out for me.

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